Humans have been marking their bodies with tattoos for thousands of years. Whether it is simple motifs or symbols with complex designs, it always acts as a talisman for the owner.
The first discovery of the existence of tattoos
When it comes to actual body tattoos
the earliest evidence discovered by researchers is in ancient and mysterious Egypt. The only thing that scientists still can't explain is that the tattoos on the bodies are women and date back to 2,000 BC.
But the most recent time was in 1991, in the contiguous area between Austria and Italy, it was discovered on the quite intact body of an ice man with mysterious tattoos. The carbon dating method is custom baseball jersey effectively applied in this case. The results then surprised scientists, from the test specimen, the mummified ice man brought them back to 5,200 years ago.
The question for researchers now is what do these symbols mean and what significance do these tattoos carry that mysteriously dates back thousands of years?
Strange & Laugh - The mystical history of ancient tattoos
After a discussion with Professor Don Brothwell of the University of York, the archaeologists together began to analyze the smallest details. Accordingly, the distribution of small dots and cross tattoos running along the right leg, spread evenly in the spine, makes scientists make the judgment that it may be an ancient therapy to cure the disease. joint pain treatment.
This also explains a number of similar tattoos scattered on the ice man's body in order to bring certain values for the treatment of a part of the organ below the epidermis or maybe they are spots. marked physically for some purpose.

Ancient Egyptian women first tattooed
There is quite clear evidence that ancient Egyptian women had tattoos on their bodies and limbs. The finds of figurines dating from 4000-3500 BC, and then the mummies of female priests in the tombs of kings all have tattoos on their thighs and date back to about 1200-1300 years. BC, shows that Egyptian women were the first women in the world to have tattoos on their bodies. Small and thin copper pieces, dating back to 1450 BC found in the town of Gurob, northern Egypt, have been identified as ancient tattoo tools.
Of course, in this area, researchers also found mummies with tattoos on the body, including three female bodies with the same symbol. This was further reinforced when archaeologists found quite a few tattooed mummies in the ancient tombs of Akhmim. What role do the tattoos mean and who will be chosen for the tattoo?
The oldest tattoos hold many mysteries
Researchers say that, at that time, tattooing seemed to be a prerogative of ancient Egyptian women. Although this is a bit absurd, modern Egyptian archaeologists do not dare to say with certainty that baseball jersey these women were servants or concubines of the king.
But later, when excavating the catacombs at Deir el Bahari, which is opposite the present-day Luxor palace and part of the royal family mausoleum complex, they had to admit that there was at least one The female mummy was not a servant but a favored concubine of the king at that time with very beautiful tattoos. On the grave is engraved the name of this woman - Amulet. That somewhat affirms the argument of foreign archaeologists to their native colleagues that tattooing is common...