In today's popular TV series 'The Vikings' the main character Regnar Lodbrog is tracked, but does Regnar exist and has he ever taken a train in the UK?
The information that I could find about Regnar Lodbrog was largely based on stories rather than historical facts. The name itself is found in many myths and fairy tales, and many suggest that a king named Regnar actually ruled during the Viking Age. Bl. a. I have found the account of his journey to the French cities of Rouen and Paris in 845.
Regnar is said to have had 11 sons, and in the English chronicles there is Ivar Benløs, their leader and eldest brother.
Here you can read the three legendary stories of Regnar Lodbrog, and then you can judge for yourself how much inspiration the TV series has found in this fairy tale about the Danish Viking king. . At least I think there are certain comparisons. See for yourself - I wish you a lot of fun reading it.
I - How Regnar won the daughter of Count Herreød of Gotland, Tora, as his wife
Herreød Jarl of Gotland has a daughter named Tora. She is his only daughter and is known by many because she is very beautiful. They gave her the nickname Borgarhjort or Hinden i Borgen. He built her a virgin cage with a sturdy fence around it. The earl used to give his daughter gifts every day; One day, he brought her a small worm. She found it very beautiful so she hid it in a box with some gold. The worm grew with the gold on which it lay. It soon grew so large that there was no room left in the box, but it continued to grow until it grew to the point of being outside its maiden cage. Every day he asked the cow to eat, no one dared to approach except the one who fed him. The earl was appalled by all this, and he promised that whoever could bring down the worm would skull pattern tanktop legging his daughter and dowry all the gold on which it lay.
King Regner's son in Denmark was fifteen when he heard about all this. Then he made clothes for him: a fur coat and fur pants, and left them pale. Then he went to Gotland and took his ship into a cove. Early in the morning, he got up early, dressed in fur clothes and held a large spear in his hand. All of the earl's men were asleep when he arrived at the royal court. He stabbed the spear into the worm's back, first and second; it contracted so hard that the shaft broke, and lost his life, when Regner turned away, the blood hit him, but it didn't hurt him because of his cloak. At the drone, everyone in the court wakes up; Tora saw the big man come out of the cage, she asked his name but he didn't answer. When the men came out, they found the worm dead and a large spear stuck in the wound. Since no one could name the boar's squire, the count summoned everything and ordered that all the people of his country appear. At the meeting, the earl produced the severed spear blade and announced that whoever possessed the shaft suitable for it would receive the real Tora Borgar deer. Now a man walks around with a spear blade, but no one has a corresponding shaft. Finally, they reached Regner and his pack, standing on the far side of things; he replied that it was his spear and showed the shaft to match it. Now a wedding has been held between Regner and Tora Borgarhjort. She went with him to Denmark and bore him two sons, Erik and Agnar, but she died not long after.

II - How Regnar married the daughter of a husband so beautiful that no one could match, but not at all a husband's daughter, and how Ivar Benløs became
Regner often joins a Viking expedition. Once he went to the south coast of Norway and anchored at a place called Spangareid. He sent his servants to a house in the country to bake bread. But when they 3D printed hoodie back with the loaves, it was all burned. Regner threatened them with severe punishment; but they excused themselves by saying that there was a girl on the farm who was so adorable they had never seen her like that, and they couldn't help but stare at her all the time.
Rain said; “If what you say is true, you must escape prosecution; and now I will send someone to investigate that matter. He sent the wisest of his men to command that if they found her as beautiful as they said they should ask her to come see Regner and be his wife, but she was not allowed naked or clothed, neither eating nor fasting. not alone but not in the company of any man.
They found on the farm an old bitch named Grima, and a young girl named Kraka, and she was amazingly beautiful.
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